Make life better
We believe in technology. Our mission is to educate more people on how technology can make their lives easier, safer, and more comfortable.
As a social enterprise, we reinvest a majority of our profits in the business for our social objectives that is to enhance the safety and mobility of elderly.
Scale is not an obstacle of innovation
Founded in 2016, we are a small startup company with a big vision moving forwards. We are motivated by developing innovative products and are always searching for overlooked products that utilize technology in creative ways. Every product and service we offer aim to meet three target requirements: Simple, Easy, and Convenient!
【專題有片睇】拐杖On Call72小時 警報隨時救老人
主持:簡采恩 Joy
【專題有片睇】拐杖On Call72小時 警報隨時救老人主持:簡采恩 Joy嘉賓:智能手杖創辦人Richard Leung用拐杖一定係老人家?你仲係咁諗就out哂啦!Richard Leung同拍檔Brian Lam設計智能拐杖唔單止外表新潮,而且好多功能添啊!想知?睇片啦~導演/文哥:Eddie Hung#專題有片睇 #智能手杖 #拐杖 #老人 #design #trendy #smart #老人安全 #科技========================================安里控股有限公司 Page: 安里 – ANLIInstagram: anli_hkYoutube: Anli Channel安里有關影片製作查詢:安里數碼媒體有限公司電話:3705 5182電郵
Posted by 安里 – ANLI on Monday, September 16, 2019
賽馬會齡活城市 – 「全城.長者友善」計劃嘉許禮 Award Presentation Ceremony of Jockey Club Age-friendly City Partnership Scheme
多謝大家投票及支持,我們榮幸獲得「賽馬會齡活城市 – 全城.長者友善」計劃中的兩個奬項 – 「齡活商業大奬」和「我最喜愛的全城.長者友善計劃大奬」
Thanks everyone for your votes and support. We are honoured to obtain two awards in Jockey Club Age-Friendly City Partnership Scheme – “My Favourite City Partnership Scheme Award” and “Age-Friendly Business Award”
Posted by 賽馬會齡活城巿計劃 Jockey Club Age-friendly City Project on Wednesday, June 5, 2019
樂齡科技博覽暨高峰會 2018 Gerontech And Innovation Expo Cum Summit (GIES) 2018
我們很榮幸見到並邀請 香港行政長官 林鄭月娥 在 2018 年「樂齡科技博覽暨高峰會」上嘗試優杖
We are honored to meet and invite Chief Executive of Hong Kong, Carrie Lam, to try STICKu in Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit (GIES) 2018
2018 SCITECH CHALLENGE 創業比賽 公開組冠軍 Champion of SciTech Challenge 2018
我們很榮幸成為 2018 年 SciTech 創業比賽的冠軍。我們在過去6個月的培訓和研討會中學到了很多東西。 評委們的建議對改善我們的產品和業務路徑非常有價值。 再次感謝組織舉辦這次活動。
We are honored to be the champion of the SciTech Challenge 2018. We learned a lot from the past 6 months of training and workshops. The advice from the judges was valuable and worthy of improving our product and business path. Thanks once again the organization held the event.
社創放閃墟 Social Innovation Fair
我們很榮幸地被商務及經濟發展局副局長 陳百里 博士 在我們的展台參觀
We are honored to be visited by the Deputy Director of Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, Dr. Bernard Chan, at our booth
社創放閃墟詳情 Details of Social Innovation Fair:
– 社創放閃墟